We are a family church where Jesus is Lord and His people are minds through which He can think, hands through which He can help and hearts through which He can love.

Experience the Difference

Programs and facilities are not what make the difference in a person’s life.  It’s what God puts inside us that changes us: His Word believed and acted upon, His Spirit, His character, faith in His power to prosper, and belief in the fact that He is on YOUR side.

Our vision is to be a church body through whose members Jesus can readily make Himself visible and meaningful to our community.  To that end we are growing into a corporate body of Holy Spirit filled believers available for service.

The world is little impressed by traditional Christianity with all its liturgy and trappings.  Jesus, alive in His church body, is a refreshing switch.

The most attractive thing God has going for Himself in the world today is a loving body of believers through whom Jesus is clearly seen.  We want to be that kind of church to Norcross and the surrounding communities.

We offer unconditional love that the Father God flows through us to a lost, hurting and dying sea of humanity.

Pastor Davis and Answer Center teachers deliver the inerrant, uncompromised, unadulterated Word of God to those interested in living their lives to please its Author.

We offer ministry to the Asian community through GRACE ROCK CHURCH which share our facilities.